Macey Hood
Macey Hood is a senior at Francis Howell North High school. Macey has been playing Oboe for 5 years and also participates in her high school's marching band as a drum major. She has also been a member of the Saint Charles County Youth Orchestra and Saint Charles Community College Band for 2 years, participated in the Metro Eight District Honor Band for 1 year, received an alternate position with the Saint Louis Symphony Youth Orchestra, and plays for the Webster University Community Music School as principal Oboe in the Young Person's Symphonic Orchestra.
Macey would like to thank her family for supporting her and coming to her concerts. She would also like to thank her private teacher Joy Floyd for pushing her and her high school band director Dr. Ryan Curtis for providing opportunities and the perfect environment for learning and growing.
When she’s not playing the Oboe, Macey takes dance lessons at Performing Arts Center and makes jewelry for fun. On the weekends she often finds herself out on the lake sailing with her family.